“We live in worlds our conversations create.” -David L. Cooperrider

Interview announcement video

We are thrilled to announce an upcoming interview with Jackie Stavros and Cheri Torres, authors of Conversations Worth HavingUsing Appreciative Inquiry to Fuel Productive and Meaningful Engagement.

The currency of all positive change is indeed conversation. Mostly we lead conversations without real strategy – and sadly, sometimes without much thought. And, being creatures of habit, we repeat the same cycle endlessly.

We hold you (and ourselves) as already successful. This means you have meaningful relationships and produce good results. And yet, a leadership beyond calls us to continuously grow and develop. To accomplish this requires heightened conversational awareness.

Jackie and Cheri give us a framework to evaluate our conversations, tools to practice and develop better skills, real-world examples of the impact of this approach, as well as inspiration to nudge us to do the necessary work.

Members of this community of conversation know that we do not pitch. We do invite people to explore resources that can guide us to become the best leaders of Positive Change we can be. So, jump at the opportunity to improve your impact, one conversation at a time:

Conversations Worth Having – second edition

We expect to announce the publish date of our interview prior to our next posting.

As always, we want to have a conversation with YOU.

Tom & Adrienne