The Science of Dream Teams – People leader Tracy Sponenberg and Mike Zani, CEO, The Predictive Index & Author of The Science of Dream Teams, chat about unlocking the power of dream teams.
Creating a culture of Self Awareness
You’ve heard it said, good leadership begins with self-awareness. Yet, self-awareness doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Further, self-awareness is an ongoing process that demands paying attention to nature and nurture.
We are wired to behave in certain ways (temperament). We modify our behavior based on values, people, and situational need (character). This requires paying attention to feedback from relationships and results.
Without a framework or data, navigating awareness of self, others, and work depends on intuition. This works to a point but is not scalable.
Talent optimization is the framework and Predictive Index provides the tools necessary to drive results by leveraging people data to align your people strategy with your business strategy.
We invite you to set up a no obligation discovery call with Adrienne and Tom to see how this process can help you to unlock the power of dreams teams on your team or in your organization. Both of us are certified partners with Predictive Index who can bring dream teams to life for you.
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