“Leadership is a choice, a commitment to serve others. It’s not necessarily about you, it’s about those you have the privilege to lead. A leader should stay focused on continuous learning, and remember nobody is going to be perfect. But we can strive to be a better leader today, than we were yesterday.” Ron Higgs, Naval Flight officer, COO Wolf Management Solutions


Our guest this week is Ron Higgs. We had the opportunity to discuss how to cultivate the mindset of a Naval flight officer, and how to translate these attributes into success for our unique leadership journey.

Here are a few insights you’ll get from listening to this dynamic conversation with Ron:

  • The three components to ensure we learn from every mission: Aviate, Navigate, Communicate
  • The importance of planning – as well as remembering that, “Aviation is like life, things rarely go as planned. Plan for the scenarios: “What happens if the engine fails?”
  • Understand YOUR own mission and how it relates to the Bigger Mission
  • Feedback is the key to learning from what went right – and wrong
  • Revisit the mission frequently through the lens of shared values
  • A framework for understanding leadership styles for predictable success: Visionary, Operator, Processor, and Synergist

Ron shares that flying is the easiest part; landing is the harder part. Harder yet: landing when things go wrong while in flight. The pandemic made this truth close to home for us. We may have been cruising along on auto pilot… and then …

Soar on, dear leadership flight officers!


Tom & Adrienne