“Those at the top of the mountain didn’t fall there.” -Vince Lombardi
Tiffany Prince, author of Top of the Mountain Leadership, did some career climbing. Lucky for us, Tiffany desires to bring as many people with her as possible.
Tiffany refers to herself as an “accidental trainer”. She excelled as an individual contributor in biotech pharma and was promoted. She found herself thrust into a position with responsibility for others. She quickly realized this challenge required new and different skills than her technical position.
This seems like a no-brainer to this audience, but Tiffany points out from her research that 70% of leaders are not given leadership development support when they step into a new leadership role. Or the new leaders are thrown into a comprehensive, one size fits all program with no follow up – the “leadership training” box is checked.
There is great cost to failing to provide strategic leadership training and career development support. Among them: losing good talent, drain on employee engagement, lower innovation, unproductive teams.
This conversation is full of tips from Tiffany’s research and personal experience.
Ø Match and design small bite learning to individual and team skill gaps
Ø Essential strategy for mentoring, coaching, and feedback
Ø The 70 20 10 rule to support training, feedback, and experiential application
Ø Advice on strategic tech stacking rather than falling into the trap of shiny tech syndrome
Ø Reinventing HR to be in the conversation at the macro strategic level rather than the micro tactical level
Tiffany Prince has done extensive research on the impact that artificial intelligence and globalization have on the future of work; she is passionate to see that we maintain a positive and humanistic approach. We’ll join that cause!
We enjoyed this conversation with Tiffany and find ourselves wanting more.
As always, we want to hear from YOU.
Tom & Adrienne
Get the Book: Top of the Mountain Leadership: The Future of Performance and Productivity in a Technology Changing World
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