You Are What You Risk

“As I’ve gained more insight into how intimately risk lies at the very core of our identities, it’s become apparent both how short most of us fall in thinking about it and how much opportunity lies in taking the time to look at our thoughts and behaviors through a...

Thriving Beyond Pandemic

We are called to thrive. Yes, we must first of all survive as signified in Maslow’s Hierarchy. Our community of conversation is dedicated to nourishing the siren call to go beyond, and to be sure to join others as we learn to thrive, despite our challenges. Thriving...

Practice What We Teach

“…and we decided to eat our own dog food…” -Adrienne Guerrero Rather than having a guest this week, we decided to record the co-founders of this community having a conversation using the Strategic Networking Guide. The strategy guide is the first module in our...

Disconnect Principle

“We are wired for connection. But the key is that, in any given moment of it, it has to be real.” -Brené Brown We were thrilled by the opportunity to chat again with the Queen of Clarity, Ann Latham.  The discussion was about her newest book, The Disconnect...